Essential Oils: Discover our Top 10!

Without them, our life would not be so easy… and much less fragrant! We have drawn up for you the list of 10 essential oils that we cannot deprive ourselves of. Organic essential oils… really essential, in short! Because they combine many virtues or for their ease of use, they have amply deserved to enter this top. So take out your notebooks and write down!

Huile Essentielle de Lavande

1 – Fine lavender essential oil

If there was only one left, it would definitely be her! Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, soothing, relaxing, healing, repellent … it is also one of the best tolerated essential oils, from a young age.

In short, the ‘essential oil of fine lavender (also called true lavender) is the sunny treasure < / strong> that we should all have in our box of precious essences…

huile essentielle de Menthe poivrée

2 – Peppermint and its invigorating effect

The organic essential oil of Peppermint is also a miracle of nature. It soothes muscle pain, headaches and shocks of all kinds thanks to the ice cube effect that we know well.

Its fresh and invigorating scent contributes to your concentration and drives away fatigue. It is also an ally of oily skin with imperfections, which it cleanses, purifies and soothes!

Huile Essentielle de Geranium Rosat L'Arbre Blanc Bio & Haute Qualité

3 – Rosat Geranium: the essential oil for your beauty

Of all the organic essential oils that you could use to heal and beautify your skin , it is the essential oil of Geranium rose the best!

Also called Bourbon Geranium, the precious liquid cleanses, tones, regenerates the skin, tightens the pores and cleanses the epidermis.

And that’s not all, since it can also be used to disinfect a wound or stop bleeding!

Huile Essentielle Ylang-Ylang Bio Haute Qualité L'Arbre Blanc Suisse

4 – Organic essential oil of Ylang-ylang

We don’t just love it for its bewitching scent … this essential oil with the sweet fragrance of oils is, it is true, one of the favorites of perfumers.

But it is also one of the best organic essential oils to fight against anxiety, hypertension of nervous origin, or spasmophilia. Diluted in a massage oil or inhaled, it will give you a little glimpse of paradise…

huile essentielle de ravintsara bio l'arbre blanc suisse

5 – Ravintsara, the essential oil for your winter

Are you looking for an effective way to remedy the small and great ailments of the cold season? Ravintsara essential oil combines all the virtues of a high quality anti-infective. It is indeed both antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal!

It is used orally to combat the symptoms of the flu, colds or respiratory ailments that are so common as soon as the thermometer goes down.

It also helps fight against fatigue and seasonal depression!

huile essentielle de Basilic tropical (ou exotique)

6 – Tropical basil for your digestive disorders

In massage on the stomach, diluted in vegetable oil, it is a sovereign remedy against digestive problems, colic, bloating or flatulence.

The essential oil of tropical (or exotic) Basil is part of the large family of organic essential oils dedicated to the digestive sphere. It is both a digestive tonic, an analgesic, and an antispasmodic, the winning trio to soothe stomach cramps and other intestinal discomforts.

And if you have trouble falling asleep, it also gives you the benefit of its sedative and soothing properties!

Huile Essentielle d'Enscens L'Arbre Blanc Bio & Haute Qualité

7 – Frankincense essential oil, for the care of body and mind

For thousands of years, frankincense resin has accompanied the most sacred human ceremonies, rising to the rank of treasure.

In essential oil form, it remains a safe companion for various ailments. While relieving anxiety and stress, it promotes the state of meditation and stimulates concentration and creativity. And that’s not all ! Frankincense essential oil regenerates the skin, protects you from viruses, and relieves coughs!

Huile Essentielle de Litsee Citronnee Bio

8 – Lemony Litsée, a delight for the senses

Do you recognize its wonderful citrus scent? If the Lemon Litsea essential oil is nicknamed “Exotic Verbena”, it is no coincidence! It is also used in cooking, to give an exotic flavor to fish or shellfish dishes.

It is also one of the essential oils organic the most relaxing, especially in diffusion. You can also take advantage of its digestive, anti-inflammatory and deodorant properties.

Huile Essentielle d'Epinette Noire Bio & Haute Qualité - L'Arbre Blanc Suisse

9 – Black spruce essential oil, both invigorating and soothing

If it is often nicknamed “essential oil for athletes”, it is because black spruce, made from a spruce of Canadian origin, works wonders on sore muscles and joints. However, its main indications concern another aspect of our health. Indeed, black spruce essential oil stimulates the nervous system and releases emotions.

We also appreciate its action on the respiratory tract, and in particular bronchitis. It is used to protect the lungs, but also the urogenital tract, infections that can harm them.

Huile Essentielle d'Eucalyptus Citronné Bio & Haute Qualité - L'Arbre Blanc Suisse

10 – Lemon eucalyptus essential oil for a great summer

Powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory, lemon eucalyptus essential oil relieves muscle and joint pain.

It works wonders against mosquitoes, ticks, flies and other pests in your summer.

Essential oils are the accomplices of our health and our balance

In recent years, essential oils have come back in favor as an essential complement to traditional medicine. We use them to strengthen our immune system, heal our skin or relieve muscle aches. We breathe them in to relax or reconnect with our emotions. In inhalation, diffusion, massage or orally, they offer us this supplement of nature which is so essential to us at the heart of our overworked existences. We all have our favorite oils, but at L’Arbre Blanc, we favor high quality essential oils of certified origin!

And you, what are your favorite essential oils?



Bio & Haute Qualité

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