Bien utiliser les huiles essentielles


Essential oils and their fabulous power have been around for millennia. We find distillation methods in Indian, Chinese, but especially Egyptian civilizations.

However, their emergence as a medical science had to wait until the 20th century. Their use is grouped under the term aromatherapy, which we owe to René-Maurice Gattefossé . Considered the founding father of contemporary aromatherapy, he created this term from the Greek: “aroma” for aromas and “therapeia” for care. This chemist worked in the laboratory of the family business: a perfumery.

In 1910 he was involved in an accident. An explosion occurred at his workplace and dangerously burned his hand. Despite medical treatment at the time, his wound did not heal. Worse, it was getting worse. By chance, he ended up spraying his hand with pure lavender essential oil. He was then stunned by the results: his wound healed and healed quickly. This experience triggered a trigger for this man who dedicated the rest of his life to studying the properties of plant aromas.


General characteristics

The essential oil is a natural extract of aromatic plants. To obtain it, distillation is carried out by distillation with water vapor, using a still. This is the main method, known for centuries, to obtain an essential oil. Over the years, other devices have been born: extraction by CO², hydro-distillation or expression. The latter method is generally used for citrus fruits. Each essential oil has properties that act on the body. They can be used on their own, or they can be combined with other oils to achieve a special synergy. They have many virtues, both for the body and for the mind. One of the great miracles of essential oils is that they immediately find where they need to work.

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Modes of administration

Depending on the desired effect, different modes of administration are possible for each essential oil. But that’s not the only thing to consider. Depending on your age, state of health, or pregnancy, certain oils should be avoided while others are preferred. But apart from their health benefits, they can also serve as a perfume, while cleaning up the living environment. They are also found in more and more cooking recipes, and even in the composition of cleaning products. For all that is skin application, it is important to know that essential oils are lipophilic. This means that it passes through the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis to reach our blood vessels. This is how they pass through our body and easily make their way to the targeted limb.

In the kitchen: you can season your dishes with one or two drops of the essential oil of your choice.

In diffusion: whether you use a diffuser or a mist, this method of administration is recommended for certain oils

In cosmetics: essential oils have many incredible properties for the skin. It is possible to add a few drops to your usual care to reap all the benefits.

Oral: it is possible to ingest certain essential oils by necessarily diluting them on a support. (A piece of sugar for example)

In your bath: if you want to make the most of your moment of relaxation, you can add a few drops of essential oils. However, they must be mixed with a dispersant.

When applied to the skin: Whether it is a massage or a simple friction, essential oils are most often administered this way. In order to penetrate it, it must be diluted in vegetable oil. We choose the oily support according to the depth of its penetration and the desired field of action.


How to use essential oils

With several hundred active substances, essential oils boost our natural defense systems. Their use is very varied. Whether in the kitchen, in health and well-being, for the maintenance of the house, or in beauty, they surprise by their versatility and their efficiency.

Cosmetics, hair, perfumery

Some essential oils have cosmetic active ingredients that meet all the skin’s needs. They can be incorporated into an anti-aging or slimming treatment. They can be preferred for their purifying or healing properties. You can also choose them according to your skin type, acne problem or even daily care. It is the same for the hair and the scalp which also rejoice in the benefits of essential oils. They can be incorporated into all types of preparation: cream, milk, shower gel, shampoo, etc. But it is better to always add them to the cold solution. Add 0.1% to 1% essential oil in facial cosmetics, 0.5 to 2% in body and hair cosmetics.

If you want to create a tailor-made perfume for yourself, all you have to do is choose the essential oils that delight your nostrils and add them to alcohol or jojoba oil. Observe a dosage of 15 to 40% essential oils per preparation.

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Massages, rubs, local application

When using an essential oil on the body, it should always be mixed with a fatty substance. This allows better penetration and reduces the risk of allergy. This is the most popular way to consume essential oils, and it is also the one that provides the longest action.

Massage helps the body to relax and helps stimulate blood circulation. Associated with essential oils, they intensify the effect of well-being and diffuse quickly throughout the whole body.
Essential oils can also be used in friction for various ailments inside the body. This involves applying them to the area concerned, or to points with a high venous concentration such as the soles of the feet or the wrists.

For bites, bumps, or skin problems, the process is the same. The essential oil should be applied directly to the affected area of ​​the body.

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When you have a problem with digestion, bloating, constipation, or any other gastric problem, the oral route is the preferred route. The essential oil can be dispersed in solubol and ingested with a full glass of water. It is also possible to use a sugar, a neutral lozenge, or any other food that makes you want to swallow the essential oils. It is very important to never swallow them alone.


In the bath

The bath is the perfect moment of relaxation. In order to make this ritual an asset for our health, it is possible to add a few drops of essential oils to it and thus combine two modes of administration: the cutaneous route and the respiratory tract. But before you bask in the hot water, it’s important to mix a drop of essential oil with 4 drops of solubol.

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Atmospheric diffusion, inhalation

When essential oils pass through the respiratory tract, they directly influence our psyche, and therefore our good mental health. The nasal mucous membranes allow the aromatic molecules to pass directly into the brain and thus provide all the necessary serenity. It is also an excellent method of administration to boost the immune system.

Not all essential oils are good for diffusing. You should check their conditions of use. Diffusion makes it possible to have a beneficial effect on the psyche, but also to clean up the environment and perfume the living space. Inhalation, on the other hand, requires essential oils to pass directly through the respiratory tract. Boil some water and add a few drops of essential oils to it. By putting your face over the container, you breathe in the vapors and inhale all the aromatic molecules. It is also possible to perform dry inhalations by using a paper towel on which you place a few drops. If you feel

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In the kitchen

During your culinary preparations, you can incorporate one to two drops of essential oils. They allow you to subtly flavor your dishes, whether hot or cold. Before using them, it should be checked that it is possible to consume them. You can also use them in your hot drinks, first diluted in solubol. A few drops are enough to flavor your hot water, and thus allow you to enjoy all their benefits.

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Some essential oils are known for their antibacterial properties. It is therefore possible to use them in the making of your homemade cleaning products. You can then use them to disinfect, descale, clean all surfaces of your interior.

Your laundry can also benefit from the captivating scents of essential oils. If you want to perfume your laundry without changing the detergent, just add 2-3 drops to the machine.

Do you want to get rid of dust mites and moths? Essential oils exist with anti-mite and anti-moth properties. You can put a few drops in the bag of your vacuum cleaner, clean the places with a high concentration of mites using a cloth soaked in essential oils, or even leave a pebble moistened with essential oils in your cupboard, to continuous action.

Finally, if you want to clean up your living environment, or simply perfume your interior, all you have to do is combine the essential oils that suit your desires and use a diffuser or a spray.


Precautions for use

Watch out for children: essential oils are not recommended before the age of 6. Even beyond that, they are to be used with the greatest care and medical advice. Never leave your bottles within the reach of children.

Pregnancy & nbsp ;: essential oils are not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women as well as for infants.

Usage: essential oils should be used with care. It is recommended to consult an aromatherapist to avoid any risk of overdose or risky use. They are to be used with moderation. Do not choose an essential oil at random, consult a healthcare professional.

Administration: Essential oils should be administered according to the routes recommended above. It is strictly forbidden to use them by injection or in the eyes.

Mucous membranes: For this type of application, be careful to dilute the essential oil to a maximum of 10%.

Allergy & nbsp ;: In order to avoid all risks of allergy, it is strongly recommended to perform a skin tolerance test and wait 24 hours before use.

Use: essential oils should never be used on the eye area. Some are photosensitizing, it is recommended not to expose yourself to the sun for the next 4 hours

Oral use: It is prohibited for children under 7 years old, and is often recommended for adults only. Essential oils, especially those containing phenols, should not exceed a short period of use without medical advice.

Diffusion: Not all essential oils are suitable. These are: Achillea millefolium, Garlic, Bitter almond, Dill, Tropical basil, Yellow birch, Black birch, German chamomile, Carrot, Caraway, Christe marin, Cistus ladanifère, Cumin, Tarragon, Fennel sweet, & nbsp; Wintergreen, Scented Wintergreen, Italian Helichrysum, Khella, Lovage, St. John’s Wort, Camphor Rosemary, Tagetes, Annual Tansy.
Other essential oils can be diffused but must not exceed a certain level of concentration nor be used alone: ​​Ahibero (10%), Ajowan (5%), Pink berries (30%), Holy basil (30%), Bay Saint Thomas (10%), Ceylon cinnamon bark (10%), Cinnamon of Leaf Ceylon (5%), Chinese Cinnamon (5%), Atlas Cedar (60%), Himalayan Cedar (60%), Crytomeria (30%), Cryptone Eucalyptus (5%), Eucalyptus globulus (30%), Cloves and leaves (5%), Hyssop lying (10%), Fragrant inula (10%), Lavender aspic (50%), Lavandin super et grosso (50%), Field mint (10 %), Peppermint (10%), Spearmint (10%), Nutmeg (5%), Compact oregano (5%), Kaliteri oregano (10%), Common oregano (5%), Patchouli (30%), Patagonian pine (60%), Savory (5%), Wild thyme (5 %), Thymol thyme (5%), Saturated thyme (10%), Ylang-ylang (30%).

Essential oils should not be diffused in the baby’s room or in the room of adults during sleep. It is recommended not to exceed 20 minutes of essential oil diffusion. Diffusion or inhalation of essential oils is strongly discouraged for people with asthma.




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