Feuille Ravintsara 2
huile essentielle de ravintsara bio l'arbre blanc suisse

Essential Oils

10 ml

CHF 19.00

69 in stock

” invigorating and revitalizing

Star of aromatherapy, Ravintsara is a breath of invigorating and revitalizing freshness



Although it may seem counterintuitive, the magic of ravintsara essential oil is that it is both invigorating and relaxing. Versatile and versatile, ravintsara essential oil contains molecules with amazing effects.

Thus, sabinene, which it contains in large quantities, is both antiseptic, hence its use to fight against winter diseases, but also an effective general stimulant. Thus, the essential oil of ravintsara invigorates the body and the mind with its invigorating freshness.

But it also contains alpha-terpineol, an alcohol with a flowery and fruity scent which gives ravintsara essential oil some of its aromas but which above all contains many benefits. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral, alpha-terpineols are also hypotensive, thus promoting relaxation and sleep.

It is thanks to these paradoxical effects that the essential oil of ravintsara is ideal in many situations: for athletes, before or after exercise, to give themselves energy and relax during periods of intense work, to face with serenity moments of stress or tension, or quite simply for the pleasure. Ravintsara essential oil helps to give you a feeling of general well-being.

69 in stock

Flacon Huile Essentielle de Ravintsara Bio



It may well come from hot countries, the essential oil of ravintsara protects us against winter ailments.

Obtained by distillation of the leaves of Cinnamomum camphora, a tree of the laurel and cinnamon family, the essential oil of ravintsara is indeed particularly rich in eucalyptol and terpineol, two molecules which combine antibacterial, antiviral, expectorant and immunostimulating properties. .

So many benefits that make this rich, fragrant and fresh essential oil a star of aromatherapy, especially in winter, to help our body fight against colds, bronchitis, flu-like symptoms and other nasopharyngeal conditions.

69 in stock

Feuille Ravintsara 2
huile essentielle de ravintsara bio l'arbre blanc suisse


Ravintsara oil against respiratory ailments

As a preventive measure, you can simply apply three drops of ravintsara essential oil to your wrist in the morning when you wake up. Breathe in the fresh scents that emanate from it to tone you up as soon as you wake up and strengthen your immunity to face the rigors of winter. Powerful, the scent of ravintsara will last for several hours: you can come back to it regularly, throughout the day.

In the event of a respiratory affection already installed (cold, sinusitis, bronchitis, flu, etc.), you can massage your chest every evening with 3 drops mixed in a vegetable oil of your choice.

You finally have the possibility of pouring these 3 drops into a bowl of boiling water to perform an inhalation and thus clear your respiratory tract.

Ravintsara oil for well-being and relaxation

As a preventive measure, you can simply apply three drops of ravintsara essential oil to your wrist in the morning when you wake up. Breathe in the fresh scents that emanate from it to tone you up as soon as you wake up and strengthen your immunity to face the rigors of winter. Powerful, the scent of ravintsara will last for several hours: you can come back to it regularly, throughout the day.

In the event of a respiratory affection already installed (cold, sinusitis, bronchitis, flu, etc.), you can massage your chest every evening with 3 drops mixed in a vegetable oil of your choice.

You finally have the possibility of pouring these 3 drops into a bowl of boiling water to perform an inhalation and thus clear your respiratory tract.

69 in stock

Nous sélectionnons pour vous des huiles essentielles bio et de haute qualité.

De la plante jusqu’à la préparation, nous nous engageons dans une quête de l’excellence dans toutes les étapes de la création des huiles essentielles.

Fruit d’une sélection méticuleuse, l’objectif est de vous offrir un « nectar » à chaque flacon.

« Chaque huile essentielle est un voyage sensoriel qui doit révéler les trésors de la nature. »



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L'Arbre Blanc | Physiothérapie, Réflexologie, huiles essentielles