Feuille Huile Essentielle Eucalyptus Citronee Bio 2
Huile Essentielle Eucalyptus Citronee Bio

Eucalyptus Lemon
Essential Oil

10 ml

CHF 17.90

76 in stock

” The Australian Giant

Powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory, Lemon Eucalyptus essential oil relieves muscle and joint pain.

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Eucalyptus Lemon Essential Oil ORGANIC

Although it belongs to the genus Corymbia rather than Eucalyptus, it has retained its vernacular name. The lemon eucalyptus is one of the tallest trees growing in Australia, where it can reach 50 meters!

Also known as White Eucalyptus, it is recognized by the softness of its bark, whitish to pinkish, and its long, tapered leaves.

Crumple them between your hands, and you will understand where the qualifier “lemon” comes from. Although it was born in the antipodes, it is found today in Africa, Madagascar, but also in Europe. Keep it safe: not only will it be your ally against stiffness, aches and attacks of osteoarthritis, but it could also save your summer against mosquitoes!

76 in stock

Pot Huile Essentielle Eucalyptus Citronee 3



Lemon Eucalyptus essential oil works wonders against mosquitoes, ticks, flies and other pests in your summer. It is first and foremost a powerful repellent, to be combined with essential oils of Citronella and Geranium rose to amplify its effects. According to some studies, its effectiveness even extends to mosquito larvae!

As a good analgesic, lemon Eucalyptus relieves itching caused by bites. All the more reason to take it with you in your summer suitcase …

76 in stock

Feuille Huile Essentielle Eucalyptus Citronee Bio 2
Huile Essentielle Eucalyptus Citronee Bio


Find your freedom of movement

Analgesic and anti-inflammatory, the essential oil of lemon Eucalyptus is above all known to relieve pain of muscular or joint origin. Its anti-pain properties work as well on aches as more serious injuries: muscle tearing, elongation, contracture, lumbago, torticollis … Diluted at 10% in a vegetable massage oil, it also brings relief to pain related to the arthritis or osteoarthritis.

In addition, its analgesic properties are also used to relieve itching and pain caused by shingles or chickenpox (two diseases resulting from the same virus).

A powerful antifungal

Studies have shown the effectiveness of lemon Eucalyptus essential oil against many fungi responsible for skin fungal infections. To prevent or relieve these problems, massage the affected area.

76 in stock

We select for you organic and high quality essential oils.

From the plant to the preparation, we are committed to a quest for excellence in all stages of the creation of essential oils.

The result of a meticulous selection, the objective is to offer you a “nectar” in each bottle.

“Each essential oil is a sensory journey which must  reveal the treasures of nature. “



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L'Arbre Blanc | Physiothérapie, Réflexologie, huiles essentielles